Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a hot topic in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry, which is also one of the core technologies CHAIN Technology Development devoted to develop. CHAIN was thrilled to be invited to share its surveying experience using BIM at RICS-HKIBIM BIM Conference 2018.
The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modeling (HKIBIM) and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) co-hosted the BIM Conference on 6 July 2018. It serves as a platform for various professionals to share their expertise of applying BIM on real cases and the benefits it brought to surveying industry.
Among the speakers, Jackie Wong, Business Development Manager at CHAIN, shared the insights of applying BIM on surveying, “Our Smart City management system, Hybrid Reality Platform (HRP), that combines Internet of Things (IoT) data and BIM models can visualize all the complicated geospatial elements in a centralized dashboard with 3D Digital map view. It provides remarkable values not only for project managers to perform planning, design, and monitoring of a construction project, but also for property managers to monitor utilities consumption and relevant maintenance of real estate.”
She believed that BIM has huge potential advantages to various industries beside surveying, and it is one of the fundamental technologies for building a Smart City in Hong Kong.